Non Destructive Testing from ProQual Inspections

ensures the safe and efficient operation of your equipment and assets by detecting defects before they result in severe damage, and assures compliance with international standards.

From pipelines and refineries to nuclear power plants, you need to monitor and improve the reliability of your processes and equipment. Our non-destructive testing (NDT) services offer you complete or sample examination of your assets, using well-designed procedures and highly trained and certified NDT inspectors. As a result, we can provide you with complete and valuable data, enabling you to make informed asset management decisions.



We offer you the most effective NDT methods to investigate the integrity of your equipment and assets. Our comprehensive range of NDT methods can help you:

  • Monitor the integrity of your assets using intrusive or non-intrusive methods
  • Detect defects and irregularities before they result in severe damage or non-compliance
  • Save time and money through fast and effective testing of your assets and equipment at every stage of their lifespan - from manufacturing through to on-site operation
  • Ensure safe and reliable operation of your facilities